enjoying the process » loving the journey, not just the destination

Guess Who Turned 1 Today?

It's not me. I know, I look VERY young (hee.hee.), but I'm 29 so it can't be me. It's Keagan! He turned 1 today!!! And we partied it up real nice.

The Photographer: Shay took all the photos for the party. He is VERY talented, indeed! SO, for your next event (party, shower, wedding, etc.) you should check him out.. Go HERE.
His wife, Bethany (holding Keagan) is probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet (well, unless you meet Hallie- I think it's a tie). Aren't they cute? They're young, too – like me… I think they're like maybe a year younger than me. 😉

And this is us. The parents and the baby. The baby who is 1 year old today and will be 12 years old tomorrow.


Inside Spread copy 
This was his invitation. I'm sorry if you didn't get one. It was a VERY exclusive party-we had bouncers at the door to keep out the paparazzi.

Did I mention that I have VERY talented friends?  Our friend Laureen (I'm not sure if she has a website, but I'll find out) made this DELICIOUS cake for the grown-ups. Now, I think it's important to have a beautiful cake, but I think it's MORE important to have a YUMMY cake. And that we did! Thank you, Laureen! It was Beautiful & Delicious!!

And my neighbor, who my children ADORE, made this little cake especially for Keagan. He wasn't interested at all. In fact, he screamed and cried so we took it away. Sad.

He was excited about the candle until he reached for it & I grabbed his hand. That may have triggered all the crying. It's hard to say 🙂

In case you can't tell- the theme was CIRCLES- just like his bedroom. I {heart} circles.


He got A LOT of new clothes- no more hand-me-downs, YAY!!!! Well, that's not really true, is it?

Shay got this awesome shot- this is SOOC. See, I told you he's good.

Did I mention he's super tall? He got this shot & didn't even need a step stool.  🙂

Happy Birthday Little Man. We love you so much and we are SO SO thankful God gave you to us.

I made a little slideshow for his birthday that played during the party- I'd like to play it here, but it's in HD. If anyone knows how to compress it & wants to help me out- that would be great. Thanks.
I'll try to load it on smugmug.

Oh, and here's the new deal. If you read my blog & don't leave a comment then you don't get to read it anymore. You will be banished (pronounced BAN-ish-ED) and I'll not be your friend anymore.
It's really difficult to write sarcastically - but if you know how I talk, that's how I write. So just imagine me talking while you read my blog posts, okay? okay.

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