enjoying the process » loving the journey, not just the destination

Canyon is 6!

I have a list of about 10 things I need to blog about, but this one goes first. While we were in Tahoe, Canyon turned 6! Now, I know you're probably sick of hearing me say this, but… it is going WAY TOO FAST!!!!!! I told Canyon to stop growing up and stay little with me forever. He said, "I can't mommy, but it's okay. I will still be your family!"  I found a bunch of old photos to show how much he's grown over the past 6 years. His face doesn't really change. Do you think he looks like Keagan?

When Canyon was 3 weeks old, he had a fever of 102 & they admitted him to the hospital right away. It was probably the worst 3 days of my young life, seeing your baby poked and tortured … in the end, everything was fine, but I would not wish that on anyone!

One of my favorite photos of Canyon- ever! Yes, he does look like keagan here.


Always with the tongue- also like Keagan.

When Kennedy was brand new, he wouldn't touch her- he'd just giggle.

In his big boy bed- he was only 21months old!


Troutdale with Papa.

Feb 2005 
Turning 3 years old. THis is how he used to show "3" fingers 🙂

Aug 2005 
In Lake Tahoe with Cade & Pearson

For his 3rd Bday, we went to Disneyland and spent the night at the Grand Californian.

Feb 2007 
On his 4th Birthday, we spent the day in Pasadena.

FEb 2008 
On his 5th birthday, we went to Scooter's Jungle ( I lost that photo somewhere along the way)

Feb 2009 
On his 6th birthday, we went snowmobiling, ice skating, sledding, to Hard Rock Cafe & ate an Indiana Jones birthday cake. I'd say, it just keeps getting better & better!

Jan 2009 
And this is what he's doing right now… playing with his very best friend in the whole world. and they are SO LOUD!!! I sure do love that boy (well, I love all of my children, but since this post is about Canyon..you see what I mean, right?)

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