enjoying the process » loving the journey, not just the destination

This Makes me happy… and Sad

I was going back through some old photos today and I found these:



So here are a few observations:  1. Since I’ve started my photography as a business, I don’t take nearly enough photos of the "everyday."  snapshots, really. I’m so concerned about getting the perfect exposure, finding the perfect light, making sure the compostion is just right… that I think I’ve forgotten to just take pictures!  In fact, a lot of times I won’t even break out my camera because I know the light is bad and there’s no way I’m using my flash!  I need to stop that. i need to take more photos of the "Big Picture"  2.  I don’t include enough of my surroundings in my photos anymore. Because I am a portrait photographer, I like to blur out the background or fill the frame with the subject’s face. This is perfect for portraits, but I need to step back when I’m photographing our everyday lives- so I can see what we were doing, what our decor was like, what we were reading, how things have changed since the photo was taken.  Just a few thoughts. Notes to myself.

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