enjoying the process » loving the journey, not just the destination


You might not be where I am…but I needed a reality check today.  Here are some thoughts straight out of my brain to your computer. Feel free to ignore this if you have no  need for it. I just wanted to have it in print so I can remember where I’ve been.

One thing I was thinking about…. I really have been able to “let things go” as Carolyn Wallis encouraged me to do. Not by choice, but by necessity. I have to be okay with the fact that not everything in my house is in a basket with a label. Nobody really cares about that stuff but me anyway. I had a lot of time to think today & I realized that a big part of wanting things to be “perfect” in my home is pride (for me, I’m not saying that’s your issue). Do I care more about having a clean and organized home so others will think I’m supermom and I have it all together? OR do I care more about having a heart that pleases the Lord? A heart that smiles when my children are running around crazy, playing and enjoying this home God has so graciously let us use for a little while? Not a mean face that reprimands them for running around and being too loud and messing up what I just cleaned!
It’s okay if the deep cleaning doesn’t get done as often as I’d like. No one comes around and inspects my house! I am able to pick up the clutter and breathe a little and move on.
James just reminded me tonight that in a matter of a few short years our kids will all be old enough to help out with the cleaning (my older 3 already do). With 5 helpers I might not even have to clean- they can do it all! 🙂  It’s hard to see the big picture when our kids are so little, but it’s important to step back every now & then and get a little reality check. It won’t always be this hard.
I’m going to print this email out and keep it in my journal. Just to remind myself of what’s really important. It’s so easy to forget in the whirlwind of motherhood:)

I have to resist the urge to do EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW. There will be time later. Right now, I just want to invest in my kids. I really like them a lot and I want them to know that.

I had this blown up to a 20×30 canvas. I love it so much!!! That’s all for tonight. Time to sleep. Please pray for Chloe. She will not sleep between 7pm and 11pm (give or take). Any suggestions??? I’ll take any idea at this point. Thanks.

April 25, 2010 - 2:54 pm

Cari - Really good thoughts Emily. Thanks for the reminder. Also, gas drops make the world a better place. The twins needed LOTS of it. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t more than the recommended dose though.

April 25, 2010 - 4:27 pm

april - Been thinking a lot of the same thoughts lately. My house is far from clean. A Roomba sure helps though :). Time to drop evening nap? At this stage I would try to stimulate as much as possible at night to really wear the kid out. If they wanted to sleep I would sling them to me so they were not falling into a deep sleep. Night time walks helped as well. I’m sure you know all this though.

April 25, 2010 - 8:59 pm

Julie Long - Hey girl…

Ugh…I’m so struggling with this right now and it was a bit of a relief to read your words and a good reminder for me. I’ve been busy with everything and am getting so stressed about the things that I need (or want) to do at home…which just aren’t getting done. I feel like each day is a failure when I don’t get it all done and if I can’t stay on top of keeping it clean all the time. Anyhow…thanks so much for posting your thoughts. 🙂

April 28, 2010 - 2:27 am

Kelli - I love sharing “life” with you…especially when it comes to caring for our families, loving our hubby’s and managing our homes. I love to pray for you…! Thanks for being a constant source of encouragement to me. You’re a blessing, Emily!

April 29, 2010 - 5:41 pm

sara - I like James reminder. I look forward to that. I struggle with this, too. And it’s usually around 7:30pm when I turn into CRAZY MOM. The fact that I’m tired, the kids are tired and I just want them to magically get into bed, (no more brushing teeth, no more water drinks, no more songs or books…) and the fact that the family room looks like a pigsty! It makes me crazy. Although, I’ve been working on it because that’s not who I want to be. I don’t want to be crazy mom. Like you’ve said – the days are long, but the years are short. I want to cherish each moment with them because all too soon they won’t need my help and they won’t ask me to sing Jesus Loves Me 1000 times. Hang in there. I think you’re supermom. 🙂 As for your non-sleeper. Maybe she’s getting to stimulated before bed?? Go to sleep Chloe. Did she hear me?

May 9, 2010 - 9:12 pm

jenny - WAIT. . . . You’re not supermom???

I feel so disillusioned!!!!

Try straight Vodka. It passes through to the breastmilk. If she doesn’t sleep, you will, and everyone will be happy. 🙂 Oh, wait. . . . you meant real ideas. . .

Structure her afternoon more carefully, and her evenings/nights will follow, even if that means waking after a certain number of hours in an afternoon nap (maybe you already do this?). She is likely ready for two naps a day, not three. Also, just because she is not sleeping doesn’t mean she doesn’t need some “quiet in her bed” time. It is okay for her lay in there and talk and babble, and entertain herself for half an hour each night as part of her routine. A very busy and noisy house is really stimulating for a baby, and some separate awake time is an okay thing, too.

If none of that works, send her to my house, she is CUUUUTE! :–))

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